The Apostolic Team

Ed & Jessie H

Ed & Jessie Hildebrand

Founding Pastor Couple
Ed & Jessie are the founding Pastor couple of Seine River Church

Seine River Church Governing Board:

Your leadership team is the governing board.
This board consists of the following 5-fold ministry leaders:
Board chair, Prophetic leader, Evangelist, Pastoral-Care and Teacher/Trainer and Pastor.
Feel free to contact your board or team members if you have questions or concerns about the ministry or future plans at Seine River Church.

Pastor Philip Edwards

Philip Edwards

Senior Pastor
- Pastoral Care
- Life Groups
- Prayer
- Communication

Email: Philip Edwards

Philip Andrew Garth Edwards

My name is Philip Andrew Garth Edwards. I am a first generation Canadian with Jamaican heritage. I came to Christ when I was eighteen years old. I was baptized under the ministry of Bishop Brimsley Dixon of St. Ann's Spiritual Baptist Church in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. As I began to grow in my faith, I sensed God calling me to pastoral ministry. I did not immediately follow my call to ministry but rather, pursued 2 degrees in the hopes of becoming a physician; A Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics for Commerce, and an Honours Bachelor of Chemistry and Biochemistry. I laid aside my dream to become a physician on September 11th, 2001. On that day, The Lord laid it upon my heart to minister to my 300 Lear colleagues (Toronto Ontario). With that ministry before me, I didn't know what to say. I turned to the Lord and he gave me the Matthew 24: 6 scripture... "And you will hear of wars and rumours of wars. See that you are not alarmed...but the end is not yet." I was amazed as the Lord ministered through my lips to my colleagues across all three shifts. Without a shadow of a doubt, I knew I must pursue my call to ministry. And that I did. In the summer of 2002 I began pursuing my Master's of Divinity degree at Heritage College and Seminary. I finished my degree graduating cum laude and as class valedictorian in 2007.
Kevin Janzen

Kevin Janzen

Outreach Leader
- Local
- International

Email: Kevin Janzen

Audiovisual Ministry

Kevin was born and raised in Winnipeg and he has spent all his life in the Capital Region. He grew up in the inner city and at the age of 10 met a Christian couple who would change the course of his life. Alvan, an associate Pastor at Calvary Temple and Muriel, a schoolteacher, shared their life and faith with Kevin. The following summer, while attending Calvary Temple’s Red Rock Bible Camp, Kevin gave his life to the Lord. He has been serving the Lord ever since. Kevin is a long-time member of Seine River Church, and previously held a position on the leadership team. He also held the role of Worship Leader for many years and has been involved in international missions work for the last 16 years, including eastern Africa and Central America. In 2016, he received the honourary title of “Honourable Sir” for his evangelical work in Panama City with LeaderImpact. In 2018, Kevin received his certificate for completing the Accelerated Ministry Program, through LifeLinks International, graduating with distinction.
He has been employed in the Information Technology field for over 25 years and is currently employed at the University of Manitoba. He currently resides in Lorette with his wife Goretti, who were married in 2016. They enjoy both international and domestic traveling and to relax, they enjoy cooking and watching movies together. Kevin has always remembered how the Lord got a hold of him and has often wondered where his life would be if it were not for Alvan and Muriel. Consequently, missions and evangelism have become Kevin’s passion. His life verse is Philippians 3:12,
“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.”
Jamie Boge

Jamie Boge

- Family Camp
- Church BBQ
- Youth Admin

Email: Jamie Boge

Audiovisual Ministry

At the age of 18, Jamie spent a year at The School of Discipleship where he spent three months studying in North America and three months of missions in Guatemala. It was during this time that he gave his life to the Lord and fell in love with worship. Following this, Jamie studied two years at CMU in Winnipeg manitoba in the areas of Biblical knowledge and counseling. Unsure where God was leading him, he decided to do more missions with Youth Mission International where he spent a few more months in discipleship training and three months of missions in Peru. Since then, Jamie has worked in the Landscape business for 15 years and has been blessed with his wife Ghislaine and four kids, Sébastien, Anastasia, Katianna and Sophie. His deepest desires are to see SRC provide a place for others to worship in Spirit and in Truth and to some day continue with missions overseas.
Tanner Duncalfe

Tanner Duncalfe

Board Chair
- Pastoral Care

Email: Tanner Duncalfe

Audiovisual Ministry

Tanner grew up on an isolated and adventurous farm in Cowan, and later moved into Swan River for his high school years. At 13 he gave his life to the Lord at a local bible camp. Many family, friends, mentors and local churches helped guide his journey. After a short and impacting time in the military, Tanner left to go to bible school in AB. His life was full of outreach ministries, camps, and sports programs for kids. Nursing school followed shortly after, which led him down the path of emergency care, and presently a 10+ year career doing critical care medivac both home and abroad. Wherever he goes, Tanner brings a love for life and adventure with a pastors heart. Tanner is proud to be serving on the Seine River leadership team with his wife Shonna and their two kids, Rayna and Koa.

Donna Edwards

Donna Edwards

Worship Admin
- Worship
- Pastoral Care

Email: Donna Edwards

Donna Edwards

“She loves Jesus”. This is what I have always wanted people to say of me. As I get older, I realized I would rather they say “She is LIKE Jesus”. I feel so far away from this goal, but that is my greatest desire. My roles? I am a nurse who loves to work with newborns and their families. I am a Pastor's wife and homeschooling mom. I love music, knitting, and small gatherings of close friends with good food. Winter is my favourite season; hot drinks my favourite beverage. In the days ahead I hope to share my table, a few at a time, and get to know you better. Currently, I have the privilege of serving SRC as Worship leader and Administrator for the Worship Teams.
Goretti Janzen

Goretti Janzen

Pastoral Care
- Floral

Email: Goretti Janzen

Audiovisual Ministry

Maria Goretti Janzen was born and raised in the small town of Rosais (pop. 1000), on the island of Sao Jorge, in the Azores. Raised in a devoutly Catholic home, Goretti was always aware that God existed. In 1992 Goretti immigrated to Canada in search of a better future. Life was very hard for the first few years but eventually Goretti found that happiness. In 2013 Goretti’s life was shaken when she became a widow and life was very hard again. She moved to Lorette in 2014, primarily because the town reminded her of Rosais. It was then that she was recommended to attend the Grief Share Program at Seine River Church. The experience was life changing in many ways. Not only was she able to deal with her grief but she was able to renew her relationship with God. On May 13th, 2015, while attending a service at Seine River Church, Goretti gave her heart to the Lord. Through regular church and bible study attendance Goretti’s relationship with God blossomed. In August of 2016, Goretti and Kevin were married. On September 9, 2018 Goretti was baptized.
Since then, Goretti has discovered her passion of serving others. This and her love for children culminated in her first missions’ trip to Africa with Kevin. This experience changed her life. While in Africa, Goretti was able to see that, despite personal circumstances, the people were able to have a deep seeded love for the Lord, and she realized she wanted the same. She looks forward to serving God and others as she walks through her amazing new life.
Ghislaine Boge

Ghislaine Boge

- Building Maintenance
- Youth
- Social Media

Email: Ghislaine Boge

Audiovisual Ministry

Ghislaine was born and raised in Lorette, MB in a traditional French Catholic family. Her family has always been, and continues to be, heavily involved in the Lorette Catholic church. Growing up within the Catholic church, Ghislaine followed all of its rich traditions, including all of the sacraments and becoming an altar girl. After graduating high school, she had the opportunity to go to Toronto for World Youth Day and take part in that celebration with hundreds of thousands of youth from around the world, which was an amazing experience. Shortly after that, she met Jamie and had the opportunity to attend a church service at McIvor MB Church and joined the College and Career group there. It was then that she met God in a much more intimate and direct way and has continued to seek Him in a deeper and more personal way ever since. Ghislaine and Jamie got married in 2005 and after living in the city for a few years decided it was time to move back home to Lorette. They stumbled upon Seine River Church shortly thereafter and immediately knew it was home. They are so excited to see the Lord’s plans come to fruition in Seine River Church and Lorette as a whole! They feel honored and humbled to have been asked to serve on the Leadership Team together with its amazing team members and pray that they can fulfill the calling that has been placed upon them
Shonna Hildebrand

Shonna Hildebrand

Pastoral Care
- Sunday School
- Youth
- Bridal/ Baby Shower

Email: Shonna Hildebrand

Audiovisual Ministry

Shonna was raised in Landmark, surrounded by a full community of family and friends. The Prairie Rose Evangelical Mennonite Church was where she grew up learning and building her foundations of faith. After school she attended two years of bible school in Australia where she grew in her passion for christian counseling and learning about what the Christian faith looks like abroad. Nursing school followed shortly after, with stints working and living in Canmore and Hawaii. The experiences in these years, both practicing in the medical field as well as attending different churches, shaped a deeper level of faith and character. Shonna and Tanner were married in 2012, and continued to travel and nurse throughout the United States, while calling Manitoba home. Presently she is a mom of two beautiful little kids and works part time as a visiting nurse downtown Winnipeg. Seine River church has been Shonna and Tanner's home church for the last 10 years, and its been a joy and honor to serve on the leadership team for the past two years.
Delores Ross

Delores Ross

Pastoral Care
- Communion

Email: Delores Ross

Audiovisual Ministry

Delores Ross was raised in a Christian home, on a dairy farm near Bluemenort, Manitoba. Delores gave her life to Jesus Christ her Lord in her early 20s and has never looked back. Delores is married has 4 children and 10 grandchildren. Delores has lived in Lorette her whole married life. Delores works in landscaping and has a passion for gardening. Enjoys travelling and seeing the world, and is amazed and completely in love with God’s wonderful creation. Delores is a big part of Seine River Church and is a co-leader of the Prophetic team. Has a wonderful relationship with Jesus and loves to listen to Him speak to her in wonderfully unique ways through nature and dreams. Delores has a heart for her community as well as mission abroad. Has been to Africa a few times on mission trips and is always open to going again.

Seine River Church is Located at:

1464 Dawson Road,

Lorette, MB, R5K 0T4

Sunday Morning Worship 

Starts at: 10:30 AM

Contact us at:

Phone:  (204) 981-3531


Copyright © Seine River Church